Jurnal Budget : Isu dan Masalah Keuangan Negara 2024-02-01T00:54:57+07:00 Slamet Widodo Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Budget: Isu dan Masalah Keuangan Negara is a routine publication twice a year from the Center for Budget and State Finance Accountability Analysis (PA3KN) of the Parliamentary Expertise Agency, Secretariat General of the DPR RI. This journal is a scientific publication containing articles based on the results of research, studies, and thought development in the economy, budget, and state finance. First published in print in 2016 with a period of 2 (two) times a year with the number SK ISSN: 0005.25415557/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2016.11 on November 3, 2016. The Jurnal Budget: Isu dan Masalah Keuangan Negara is currently published every June and November. Articles published in the Jurnal Budget: Isu dan Masalah Keuangan Negara have been through an evaluation and editing process by the Editorial Board, Reviewers, and Editorial Staff Members. Jurnal Budget: Isu dan Masalah Keuangan Negara is an open medium for practitioners, researchers, state civil servants, policy practitioners, and observers of economic, budget, and state finance issues who are interested in submitting their research to bridge knowledge to make government programs and other policies better. There is no charge for all processes.</p> <p>E-ISSN: <a href="">2985-8879 </a></p> <p>P-ISSN: <a href="">2541-5557</a></p> Analysis of The Economic Structure Transformation In The New Autonomous Region 2024-01-31T11:24:38+07:00 Rendy Alvaro Ade Nurul Aida Riza Aditya Syafri <p><em>The aim of this research is to examine what sectors can be developed and have competitiveness, as well as determine changes in the economic structure of the new autonomous regions, including South Papua, Central Papua, Mountain Papua, and Southwest Papua. This research uses the LQ method and shift-share analysis. The results of sector mapping in 2010 and 2019 show that sectors are undergoing transformation, namely the Information and Communication sector, Education Services, Government Administration, Defense and Mandatory Social Security, other services, and the processing industry. Then the shift-share analysis shows that the processing industry and the Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries sectors do not have relatively good competitiveness when compared with the same sectors on a national scale. The results of the Klassen typology show that throughout the Papua region, the Government Administration, Defense, and Mandatory Social Security sectors are in Quadrant I. Meanwhile, the Accommodation and Food and Drink Provision sectors and Electricity and Gas Procurement throughout the Papua region are in Quadrant III. For this reason, apart from incentive support, policy support is needed from the central government and governments in </em>DOB<em>.</em></p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rendy Alvaro, Ade Nurul Aida, Riza Aditya Syafri Changing The Term of Office of The Village Head From 6 Years to 9 Years: Its Impact on State Finances and Village Fund Management 2024-02-01T00:54:57+07:00 Achmadudin Rajab <p><em>The ability of the village head to manage finances is still low, due to a lack of knowledge related to financial management administration. This is possible due to the short term of the office. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the impact of changing the term of office of the village head from 6 years to 9 years on state finances and village fund management. This research uses quantitative methods with descriptive statistics. The results show that first, the 6-year term of office according to the village heads is not ideal, due to political issues in the village after the village head election. Second, the impact of changes in the term of office can save a budget of Rp17.71 trillion. Third, the main problem in the village is education, not the tenure of the village head. Therefore, policymakers should rethink the addition of the tenure of the village head. The term of office of the village head should be equalized with the terms of office of the president and vice president, as well as the five-year terms of office of members of the DPR, DPD, and DPRD.</em></p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Achmadudin Rajab The Effect of The General Allocation Fund and The Specific Purpose Grant on The Capital Expenditures and The Human Development Index In Indonesia’s Autonomous Region 2024-01-31T11:23:31+07:00 Fajar Nurmansyah Vivi Adeyani Tandean <p><em>This research investigates the effect of the general allocation fund and the specific purpose grant on capital expenditure and the human development index in Indonesia's autonomous regions. 70 districts and cities make up the purposive sampling sample for this investigation during 2017–2021 (5 years) after fundamental changes to the budgeting classification of budget transfers to local government. General allocation funds, specific purpose grants, capital expenditures, and the human development index are the statistics that were employed. The data source was taken from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) and the Ministry of Finance. The analysis in this work uses multiple linear regressions. The findings demonstrated that while the general allocation fund variable had an impact on capital expenditures, the specific purpose grant variable did not. The general allocation fund and the specific purpose grant variables also have an impact on the human development index.</em></p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fajar Nurmansyah, Vivi Adeyani Tandean Grain Price Implications for Food Crop Farmers' Welfare and Inflation 2024-01-31T11:23:46+07:00 Rosalina Tineke Kusumawardhani Emillia Octavia <p><em>The low level of welfare of food crop farmers has the potential to threaten the availability of human resources due to the threat of commodity conversion. As a result, there is a potential for inflation due to food scarcity. Therefore, the paper aims to analyze the implications of grain prices on the welfare of food crop farmers and inflation. This research uses quantitative methods with regression models. The results show that first, harvested dry grain has positive and significant implications for farmers' welfare. While milled dry grain is not significant. Second, harvested dry grain has positive and significant implications for rice prices, but the price of milled dry grain is not significant for rice prices. Third, rice prices are able to influence the inflation rate. Therefore, the government needs to make efforts, namely, first, good management of rice storage and distribution needs to be carried out by the government so that it can maintain the stock and stability of rice prices. Second, the government should regulate the distribution of planting so that the harvest can be spread more evenly. Third, the government should increase the role of farmers as rice producers.</em></p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rosalina Tineke Kusumawardhani, Emillia Octavia Challenges and Strategy for Empowerment of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Through an Integrated Business Service Center 2024-01-31T11:24:02+07:00 Adhi Prasetyo Satriyo Wibowo <p><em>The MSME Integrated Management Major Project was launched by the government to integrate various policies across sectors and regions under the supervision of the Ministry of Cooperatives. Since 2014, there has been an Integrated Business Service Center (PLUT). This article aims to analyze the challenges and strategies for empowering MSMEs through PLUT using a qualitative descriptive approach. Empowering MSMEs faces fundamental problems such as a single database, financing, licensing, partnerships, and mentoring for MSMEs. This problem has not been able to be resolved by PLUT or through various MSME empowerment programs carried out by the government spread across ministries and institutions at this time. So that the empowerment of MSMEs through the Integrated Business Service Center can be more optimal, it is necessary to strengthen the institutional structure of the Integrated Business Service Center, which is carried out through government regulations.</em></p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Adhi Prasetyo Satriyo Wibowo Indonesia's Readiness to Carry Out Rehabilitation for Narcotics Abusers Viewed from a Budget Perspective 2024-01-31T11:24:54+07:00 Ratna Christianingrum Tio Riyono Leo Iskandar <p><em>Narcotics abusers in Indonesia can be sentenced to imprisonment, rehabilitation, or other punishments in accordance with Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics. The courts have not maximized rehabilitation and still impose prison sentences for narcotics users in Indonesia. This research analyzes secondary data in the form of data on the prevalence of narcotics use from 2008 to 2021, the number of residents aged 15–64 years, and the number of rehabilitation and rehabilitation budgets. The method used is to forecast through trend comparison, mean, and cubic trend analysis, then calculate budget requirements and compare them with budget requirements. Subsequently, a readiness analysis for the budget is conducted by comparing the projected rehabilitation budget needs with the projected budget availability. The research results show that the ratio of the need for rehabilitation places to the availability of rehabilitation facilities is high. The budget availability for rehabilitating narcotics abusers is still insufficient, and the budget requirement for rehabilitating narcotics users in 2024 will reach IDR102 trillion. This budget equals 387 times the budget for the BNN Narcotics Rehabilitation Center in 2022. The results of this research show that the government is not yet ready to carry out ideal narcotics rehabilitation. For this reason, public-private partnerships (PPP) in terms of providing rehabilitation facilities can be a policy solution for fulfilling the availability of rehabilitation places for narcotics abusers.</em></p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ratna Christianingrum, Tio Riyono, Leo Iskandar The Effect of The Tourism Budget on Gross Domestic Product, Employment, and Foreign Exchange of Tourism Sector 2024-01-31T11:25:27+07:00 Ollani Vabiola Bangun Savitri Wulandari Eko Ananto Iranisa <p><em>Although the tourism budget is the lowest compared to other national functional expenditures, it is expected to have a positive effect on the national economy and destination areas. The contribution can be reflected in GDP, foreign exchange of tourism, and employment. To find out how big the effect is, this paper aims to analyze the effect of the tourism budget on the national economy. This research uses quantitative methods with regression models. The results showed that the tourism sector budget has had positive and significant implications for tourism GDP, foreign exchange of tourism, and labor in the tourism sector. Every increase in the tourism sector budget of Rp 1 billion is estimated to generate a GDP of Rp355,005.30 billion and foreign exchange of USD751.12 and increase the number of workers by 543 people. Therefore, it is suggested that the government increase the tourism sector budget allocation so that the tourism sector can make a greater contribution to national economic growth.</em></p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ollani Vabiola Bangun, Savitri Wulandari, Eko Ananto, Iranisa The Effect of Education Function Budget on School Enrolment Rate, Gross Enrolment Rate, and Net Enrolment Rate 2024-01-31T11:29:34+07:00 Dahiri Dahiri <p><em>The education function budget over the period 2005–2022 has continued to increase. However, the school enrollment rate has decreased with age. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the effect of the education function budget on the school enrollment rate, gross enrollment rate, and net enrollment rate. The research method in this study uses a quantitative research approach with a regression model. The results showed that first, the education function budget has a positive and significant effect on APS, APK, and APM. Second, APK SM/MA and APK PT are still below the target. Third, the APM disparity at the SD/MI level does not show inequality in access to education between men and women. Even at the levels of junior secondary school, senior secondary school, and tertiary level (19–24 years old), female APM is higher than male. Therefore, the government's efforts to improve education development include increasing scholarships for children from poor families and prioritizing budget support for improving facilities and infrastructure at the primary and vocational levels for sanitation.</em></p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dahiri Corruption and Foreign Direct Investment: Institutional Improvement 2024-01-31T11:25:10+07:00 Ratna Christianingrum <p><em>Scholars have studied the impact of corruption on foreign direct investment (FDI). Some studies provide evidence of a negative link between corruption and FDI, while others fail to find any significant relationship. This study examines the impact of corruption on FDI in Indonesia. The data used for this study is the corruption perception index from Transparency International and the FDI for Indonesia from CEIC. The data will be analyzed using the regression method to estimate the impact of corruption on FDI. This study shows that the corruption perception index (CPI) significantly and negatively affects FDI in Indonesia. A low level of CPI implies a high level of corruption. The findings of this study support the “grease the wheels” hypothesis. Corruption can be a ‘grease of the wheels’ for accelerating economic expansion in Indonesia. This condition is not a good thing. So, institutional improvement is needed to reduce corrupt practices. It includes reducing licensing procedures and improving the supervision system. Budget support is needed.</em></p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ratna Christianingrum Analysis of The Causality Granger between Indonesia's Economic Growth, Foreign Debt, Unemployment, and Poverty Rate 2024-01-31T11:24:21+07:00 martha situmorang <p><em>This study analyzes the causality between Indonesia's economic growth, foreign debt, unemployment, and poverty rate. The data used is time series data for the research period 1984–2022. The analysis used in this study is a quantitative descriptive analysis method using the Granger analysis test. Based on the results of the Granger causality test, it can be concluded that there is a unidirectional Granger causality from the poverty rate to growth, there is no bidirectional Granger causality between foreign debt and growth, there is a unidirectional Granger causality from the open unemployment rate to the poverty rate, there is unidirectional Granger causality from the poverty rate to external debt, and there is a unidirectional Granger causality from the level of open unemployment to foreign debt.</em></p> 2023-11-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Martha Carolina